Advising Center

The Art Minor is temporarily closed.

Meet with your academic advisor often throughout your academic career to ensure you take the right courses at the right time, are connected to opportunities such as internships, study abroad, and other activities of interest, and stay on track to graduate. Academic Advisors will help you develop a plan of study and meet with students in various ways, including video conferencing, over the phone, and via email.

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CCA Advisors



Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Pre-Music program?

Pre-music majors are those students who have passed their entrance audition and have been accepted into the music program. As pre-music majors, they will register for 1000 level pre-music individual instruction courses for the first two semesters in the music program. At the end of each semester is a jury. When students have passed two semesters of pre-music individual instruction with a B- or higher grade, and they pass MUSC 1110 Music Theory I with a C or higher grade, they will be moved into declared music status. Pre-music students can see when this has happened in DegreeWorks. Their major code will have the letters BM, BS or BA at the end of their major code instead of PPRU.

What is a Music Program Barrier?

Music Major barriers are a "fail safe" to prevent students continuing in the major whom faculty deem unlikely to achieve the level of proficiency required to be a successful professional musician. All music majors will perform a Barrier Jury after they have passed two semesters of pre-music individual instruction with a B- or higher grade. The barrier jury is typically during the student's third semester of study. During this semester, they will register for the 2000 level pre-barrier level of individual instruction. Music Majors who pass this jury with a B- or higher grade are allowed to continue in their music major program. Music education majors have an additional barrier, in which they must pass MUSC 3100 Motivation and Classroom Management Strategies in Secondary Classroom Music with a C or higher grade and be accepted into the Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP).

When are auditions?

Information on Music auditions can be found on Music's application page.

Can I audition for a group even if I'm not a Music major?

Non-music majors are welcome to audition for any ensemble on campus. Choral and band auditions take place the first week of the Fall semester, while orchestral auditions occur during the summer. Some groups on campus do not require an audition.

How do I get into Music Therapy?

Students interested in music therapy need to complete the 2-step process consisting of: (1) a pre-selection audition, and (2) an on-site audition.

The pre-selection audition requires:

  1. A completed music therapy application,
  2. A high school or college transcript,
  3. A video of the auditionee singing a song and accompanying themselves on guitar OR piano,
  4. A 1-2 minute video responding to the questions “What is music therapy?” and “What makes this career well suited for me?”.

Students who are notified that they have passed the pre-selection audition will be invited back for an in-person audition. Auditionees will be asked to perform the following:

  1. A recital-ready (classical) piece on their principal instrument. Please check the music therapy repertoire specified for your instrument's "audition requirements"
  2. A sung popular/contemporary song, accompanying yourself on piano,
  3. A sung folk or children’s song, accompanying yourself on guitar.

Theatre Arts

When are auditions?

Information on Theatre auditions can be found on Theatre's application page.

Art + Design

What does it mean to be a Pre-Program Art student?

New first-year admitted to USU in good standing are initially admitted as a Pre-Program Art student. During the students’ second semester of foundations coursework, they will submit a portfolio to be considered for admission to the art program. This portfolio reviews happen in October and March each year. Transfer students, or students changing their major with 60+ credits must first submit a portfolio to be admitted. During their sophomore year, students may choose an emphasis area and undergo a second portfolio review for admission into the BFA program. These reviews are typically scheduled for Spring semester. Students not admitted to a BFA program in a studio emphasis may complete the BS or BA degree and graduate in Art with no emphasis.

What is the Pre-Program Interior Architecture and Design Program?

Students interested in IAD will spend their first semester at USU taking required pre-program courses designed to prepare them for the portfolio review which takes place in November. Once they pass the portfolio they become BIAD students. Students who do not pass the review may resubmit the following fall semester.

Do I have to submit a portfolio before starting the Art program?

Incoming first-year students begin the Art Pre-Program and will submit a portfolio comprised of work completed in foundations classes (Drawing, 2D and 3D Design) in order to be admitted to the Art BS program. Transfer students with 60 credits or more must submit a portfolio before being admitted to the BS and must then complete the foundations classes if not completed at their previous institution. Art Department portfolio reviews only occur twice a year in March and October. A second portfolio is required for admission to any BFA program.

How do I get into the Interior Architecture and Design program?

Students interested in the Interior Architecture and Design BIAD program need to be admitted or signed into the pre-program IAD major. In a fall semester, they start required preprogram classes and submit a portfolio for a competitive portfolio review. The students that pass the portfolio review are admitted into the BIAD major and move forward into the program starting in spring semester.


How can I schedule an appointment with my advisor?

You can find and make an appointment with your advisor through

How can I change my major?

Students will need to schedule an appointment with the advisor of their prospective major in order for their major to be changed. To declare a major in the Caine College of the Arts, students will need to schedule an advising appointment and meet the GPA minimum requirement of 2.75. Admission to music programs require a successful audition. Admission to all theatre programs requires a successful application and interview or audition.

What are the math requirements for my degree?

Students can find the requirements for their degree, including math requirements, in the USU Catalog. Music Therapy majors have a statistics course requirement, which must be satisfied by taking either STAT 1040, STAT 1045 or STAT 1080. If the General Education QL requirement has been satisfied by any means other than a statistics course, music therapy majors must take one of the STAT courses listed above.

Can I retake a course to get a better grade?

Yes. Information on how repeated courses will appear on your transcript can be found on Registrar's FAQs page.

What is a pass/fail option for a course?

Information for taking a course pass/fail can be found in the USU Catalog. Remember to speak with your advisor about taking a course pass/fail, as major courses in the Caine College must be taken for a grade.

Will my courses transfer over from another university?

Students can see how courses they have taken at another university will transfer to USU on the USU Registrar transfer page.

Why do I have a hold on my account?

Information about different holds, what they mean, and who to contact to get them removed can be found on the Registrar's website.

Where does differential tuition go?

Information about what differential tuition is and where it goes can be found on the Differential Tuition page.

How do I apply for scholarships?

USU's scholarship AwardSpring can help students apply for university-wide scholarships. Specific Caine College of the Arts scholarships can be found on the scholarships page.

How do I find emotional support at USU?

Students can find general wellness information and, for Logan Campus, mental wellness information. USU's Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) office offers a variety of programs that can help students experiencing mental or emotional distress.

Can I complete my degree in a shorter time than 4 years?

A majority of the programs in the Caine College of the Arts require a full four years to complete due to the sequencing of classes. Breadth and Depth generals are built into the four-year plans and should be taken concurrently with the major classes.