Visiting Artists and Scholars Series

The Caine College of the Arts offers the opportunity for any faculty member of the College to submit a proposal for Visiting Artists & Scholars Series funding to enhance the experience of students in the College. Applicants are encouraged to read and closely follow the guidelines in preparing their proposals. The Visiting Artists & Scholars Series Advisory Committee will review the proposals and make recommendations to the Dean for funding. Proposals are due in the fall each year for funding during the next fiscal year, beginning July 1.

Proposal Guidelines

Successful proposals will:

  • Align with the Dean's priorities for the broader College community.
  • Align with the Department's priorities established by the faculty.
  • Articulate impact on student experience, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
  • Provide a broad and diverse view of art-making, performance, education, or scholarship.
  • Invite a mixture of Utah, national, or international artists.
  • Have a complete budget that includes actuals and estimates. Below are possible expenses to include:
    • Artist Fee
    • Travel (Airfare, Airport Parking, Baggage, Ground Transportation, Lodging, and Meals)
    • Production Services costs (Ticketing, Front of House, Tech, and Marketing)
    • Oversized baggage like costumes or musical instruments may need an extra seat ticket or other fee
    • Do not choose the cheapest flight or the cheapest lodging. Please choose refundable options for flights and hotels.

Proposals must include:

  • A completed cover sheet
  • A one-page summary of the proposed project that explains how it meets the funding criteria. Include background or short bio of the visiting artist, master teacher, or scholar, if applicable.
  • A one-page detailed budget

Dean's Note: Consider organizing your proposal with intentional links to curriculum gaps, department priorities or specific enrichment, student AND faculty engagement, and artistic excellence.

Recipients Awarded Visiting Artists and Scholars Series Funds

Congratulations on being awarded funding to bring an artist to USU for the CCA Visiting Artist & Scholars Series! The information below will help you as you move through the process of planning your artist's visit. Any questions about this process can be directed to Cindy Shields in CCA Dean's Office, Business Services 435-797-7939 or

Contract Process

  1. Initial meeting with Business Accountant Cindy Shields ( to gather information for the contract and what services are needed for the project. Information needed:
    • Name of artist
    • Address, phone number, and email address
    • Date of visit
    • Will the guest be in-person or virtual?
    • What will the guest be doing?
    • Will the guest need travel arrangements? (Airfare, parking, ground transportation, mileage reimbursement, lodging, meals, etc.)
    • Do you need Marketing? Marketing is provided by Bryan Stalvey, Director of Marketing & Communications (
  2. The contract will be completed by Cindy and sent back to the project PI for approval.
  3. Once the PI has approved the contract, Cindy will send it to your guest for signature.
  4. Once the contract is signed by the guest, Cindy will submit it through ServiceNow for approval and a final signature from Purchasing.
  5. Cindy will then give the signed contract to the PI and Kelly Bateman (if there is travel required).

What happens after the contract is complete?

  1. Once the contract is complete, the guest will be sent an invitation to complete an online form to Payment Works. (Payment Works is USU's third part identity verification company.)
  2. Bryan Stalvey ( will assist you with your marketing needs.
  3. After the date of the event, Cindy will process the guest payment which will either be mailed directly to the artist or direct deposited.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I submit a proposal for Visiting Artists & Scholars Series?

The Caine College of the Arts offers the opportunity for any faculty member of the College to submit a proposal for the Visiting Artists and Scholars Series funding to enhance the experience of students in the college. Proposals are due during the fall of each year for funding the next fiscal year (beginning July 1).

Applicants are encouraged to read and closely follow the guidelines in preparing their proposals. The Visiting Artists & Scholars Advisory Committee will review the proposals and make recommendations to the Dean for funding.

Who serves on the Visiting Artists & Scholars Series Advisory Committee?

The Visiting Artists & Scholars Series Advisory Committee is comprised of Associate Deans, Department Heads, and faculty members that represent each of the departments in the college.

2024-25 Proposal Deadlines

  • Those wishing to submit a proposal should check with department offices for possible earlier deadlines that allow department head review.

  • Visiting Artists and Scholars Series (VASS) Proposals

     October 11, 2024.

  • Decision Outcomes