Paper & Clay Juried Exhibition Application
Please complete all four (4) steps of the application process.
Step One: Download the Application Form
Please download the application form, fill it out completely, save it as a .pdf with your Lastname_Firstname_Application (e.g. Smith_John_Application.pdf) and follow the directions in Step Two to continue your submission.
Please submit the following using the "Submit File to Paper and Clay" Box upload process as follows:
- Upload application file, by dragging your file (or browsing your files), named Lastname_Firstname_Application.pdf (e.g. Smith_John_Application.pdf)
- Choose "upload another file" and select your first image file, named Lastname_Firstname_01.jpg
- Continue to select "upload another file" and upload your remaining image files, one at a time. Note: files should be named Lastname_Firstname_Number.jpg (e.g. Smith_John_02.jpg, Smith_John_03.jpg, Smith_John_04.jpg, and so forth, through Lastname_Firstname_06.jpg), until you have completed your desired file uploads (up to six image files in total).
Step Three: Artist Information
Step Four: Payment
Clicking the Pay Now button will take you to PayPal to complete your payment. Submissions not accompanied by payment will not be accepted.